Thursday, April 29, 2021

Kath path essays

Kath path essays

kath path essays

personally i love kath path’s vids!! they’re genuinely so helpful but the essays up on her website were super underwhelming to me as well. i find that this is all so confusing especially because it raises the question of whether a “good essay” to me is the same as a “good essay” to an admissions officer. anyway, glad to see i’m Kath Path College Apps LLC, El Camino Real # , Santa Clara, CA Kath Path Essay Editing. writers can help you out to complete an excellent quality paper. In addition, we provide Editing services for those who are not sure in a quality and clarity of their written texts. Your professional essay writer will Kath Path Essay Editing make your paper unique and original/10()

Reflective Essay: The kath path college apps

advanced search: by author, subreddit Discussion Kath path scam? submitted 5 months ago by OnlyStatus7 [ �� ]. Honestly, using her acceptance to Stanford as some qualification for running such a business is borderline scammy, especially when it seems like her essay is not what got her in. Just curious what you guys think.

HAHAH i made basically this exact post a while ago. search kathpath in this sub, i was surprised to find that i wasnt the only one with this opinion, kath path essays. but i feel like for a lot of people on her team, i thought their accomplishments were AMAZING. like hella amazing, in my opinion. but i just felt kinda bored and disconnected reading the essay. Ah, I should have looked before posting. Their accomplishments are certainly amazing, but like you said, their essays are abysmal.

I have no idea how she got kath path essays business off the ground. So much better than using the app to search the discussions! Most time the question ur about to post has been already answered I love it!! some of the essays on her site from other editors are pretty good. but hers that was the whole essay. very clear that she got in due to her legacy status and various different opportunities her privilege got her throughout life.

The last paragraph legit came out of nowhere lmao, "I'm on this Earth to CHANGE THE WORLD!! I was actually shocked to read those last sentences, sounded like it was coming from a 15yr old. yeah i definitely agree. and not just written it in her college essay? it baffles me. It was a total Yea i read all the editors essays and hers was by-far the worst some of the others kath path essays actually qualified to do this. lmfao i said nothing about her being a woman or about her being white, you just assumed that was what i was referring to.

i genuinely do not understand you. seems you and i have a critical difference in opinion when it comes to privilege in america. you have a good mindset about the world, kath path essays, i agree with it. we can both agree kath path essays that, kath path essays. but i am also entirely confused about how this relates to kath path and her privilege lol. the last paragraph seems very off in regards to the rest of the essay and the whole essay seemed like a list written in essay form, but props to her for creating that program!

Her essay editing service seems more detrimental than beneficial though I only respect her YT channel even if I don't like it, because it's free and not hurting anyone, kath path essays. Honestly really really bad. It has a contrived and monotonous tone, kath path essays. Most of it is also really cringe. Although the essay didn't reveal too much about her personally, kath path essays, the business she created was portrayed quite impressively, kath path essays.

The last paragraph however seemed like a final effort to connect it something more personal which made it seemed crammed in and unnatural. this was exactly what I was thinking. this would've been a good "write about ur extracurriculars You can get admitted kath path essays a selective college in spite of your essay rather than because of it.

Getting admitted doesn't give you any skill or qualification for coaching other people through the process. I think all the editors' essays are mediocre at best, but then again not kath path essays people can write fantastic essays so who am I to judge.

Honesty generic at best. Essay editing is a bad idea anyway, as there is a pretty high chance of your voice getting lost, kath path essays. Use like ScholarGrade's and College Essay Guy's advice.

Have like 1 or 2 other people review your essay and do all the writing yourself. If I, someone with absolutely no qualifications, were to write that essay, kath path essays, I would have focused on like the first customer the company served and how making an impact at any scale felt. Not just sorta skimming over all the substance saying "grandma wanted help and now I run a for profit company yeet".

Did Kath Path ever use FERPA to read her admissions file? I'd be really curious to know her AO comments, kath path essays. This is all aight and all BUT has anyone seen THEIR ABSURD PRICES? Like kath path essays she's no way qualified to charge that much its truly kath path essays money making scheme. I read the essay and I didn't feel anything. I'm just a nobody-highschool-senior, but is this what college applications are supposed to be like?

Cuz I just submitted yesterday and i majorly fked up if thats the case. She mentions kath path essays she hates people using the N-word and trash being in the ocean. But that's supposed to be the norm. Hating the N-word and trash in the ocean isn't special to you at all, literally evrybody is supposed to feel that way. Overall, the essay just felt like she was selling herself, it didnt feel like she was writing with some kinda personal statement in mind. Also, if you guys have any AMAZING college essays for me to read, lmk.

I want to know what I should be looking out for when writing future essays. Hi ya'll. I suggest creating a collegevine account, their services are FREE and they've been super helpful for me. Their resources are immense. These are both helpful services!

Kath path essays it dudes, kath path essays, privalage kath path essays always exist. Not hating on her but her essays and personality didn't get her in. And like she's changing the world? Honestly I've just stopped caring. She's not the only one making her college her entire personality but at the end, its pure ego and insecurity that oozes out. Let's all just try being non-sell-outs in this papertown. As cringy as this essay seems to us, nobody will cringe harder than kathpath herself in 10 years.

Spot on legend! Can't wait to see her video "what I hate abt life" while wearning gucci clothes lmfao, kath path essays. Coz kath path essays she literally puts on a st. anford hoddie and makes a video "what I hate abt Stanford" like bruh wtf?

You literally go there! I honestly think this video about negative things in Stanford are not as bad as you said. oh my god i read the comments and thought that it couldn't be that bad but I just read it and it really is terrible.

their edits were realllyyyy helpful. thanks for the suggestion! i used word vice and their comments were rlly helpful and they left a lot of them too! i think i spent like bucks? and it was a 5-day return date but they have a lot of other return date options for different prices. I would advise against it, as they seem to provide mostly superficial suggestions. I would look into Prompt essay editing instead. Prompt is AMAZING!

Their feedback was awesome. Um I got an email from college essay guy about it. oh shit don't do that! her essay has grammar mistakes. I found thecollegeist. com on reddit and used them for my early app. they're more expensive than some of the other services in the thread, but they turned around my essay in a day and had some great suggestions.

the reality of college apps huh.


, time: 13:10

Redirect | Kath Path College Apps

kath path essays

Loading 17/9/ · let's talk about the "WHY US" college essayVISIT FOR ESSAY EDITING I HAVE STICKERS: Kath Path College Apps LLC, El Camino Real # , Santa Clara, CA

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