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Stanford gsb essay examples

Stanford gsb essay examples

stanford gsb essay examples

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. Essay 3: Tell us about a time within the last two years when your background influenced your participation at work or school ( characters / words) Essay 4: Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional We are the Stanford Gsb Why Stanford Essay top leading cheap essay writing service. Our rates starts from just $2 per page and quality is always guaranteed. Struggling to write your paper? Just text us and we will handle the rest Stanford MBA Essay Example #Question: Why Stanford? Growing up I always wanted to be like my father, a serial entrepreneur running the family business. As I grew older, I discovered an unspoken truth standing between me and my dream: of my eleven paternal aunts,

Critical Essay: Stanford gsb essay examples

Stanford Essay 1: What Matters Most to you and why? For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives? Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them.

What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples. Up to characters, approximately words for each example. These two experiences have cast the largest shadows on my personality and shaped me into who I am and what I stand for today. One day, I was XYZ years old and was talking to my newly-made best friend in the school playground, stanford gsb essay examples, suddenly our teacher showed up, stanford gsb essay examples.

She made sure my friend left me alone there, shocked and humiliated. I realized I was being punished for playing outside, leaving early not following the 4 pm rule to stay in class, and just focus on homework, stanford gsb essay examples. In the Chinese education system, parents and teachers are obsessed with academic grades and stanford gsb essay examples development activities were never a priority. My parents always encourage me to develop my personality outside of class.

I was always good at academics but I also challenged to break the norm and encourage everyone to focus on extracurriculars. Since then I have always been a strong advocate of holistic well-rounded development for kids in Chinese culture and stanford gsb essay examples day I aspire to start my own venture.

We grew up as sweeping changes took place across the country and witnessed massive construction and development. As a kid, however, I also saw the other side of the story. With their home gone, my grandparents lost their house and we moved out.

I determined that if I am ever in a driver-seat, I would make sure that nobody loses their homes and that growth and changes are achieved in a sustainable manner.

During the past 10 years of my career in private equity, I worked with a most driven and resourceful group of entrepreneurs and CEOs from China to helped bring their businesses to the next stage in stanford gsb essay examples sustainable manner. At Morgan Stanley, since day one I was focused on sustainable investment and help companies achieve their end goals in a sustainable manner.

I helped the CEO of a private flooring company in China to make his product portfolio more environmentally friendly. At my current firm, I stanford gsb essay examples a growth private equity investment into an optic fiber communication network company in Myanmar and Cambodia.

I knew that the founder business in china was confiscated by the government under the name of strategic importance and that struck a private cord with me. I extensively worked with the founder and company management team to ensure that all the underground cable construction work in the country was in compliance with local regulations.

We also made sure that the company set up and followed strictly a standard procedure. Today our investee company is the largest nation-wide optic fiber service provider in both countries. I look forward to sharing my experience with a diverse community at Stanford and leverage my learning experiences to make impacts on a larger level. I have 13 years of experience in investment Banking and Private equity space. So far, stanford gsb essay examples, I have managed to grow up to Senior Vice President and then to the Director of our firm, stanford gsb essay examples.

Now, in the short term, I want to upskill myself and enhance my leadership skills to break through the proverbial glass ceiling in the IB and PE space for women and rise up to lead a firm one day. Jim particularly mentioned to me the transformational experiences and unique community the program created which imbibed lifelong leadership and networking skills.

I want to expand my business knowledge beyond Asia, broaden my perspectives on leadership, and strengthen my networking skills. I believe the GSB curriculum and community can stanford gsb essay examples me to expand my horizons beyond IB and PE domains. I like the flexibility the program offers through 36 units of elective courses which give me great freedom in pursuing interdisciplinary topics.

I want to take advantage of the curriculum such as Paths to Power, Interpersonal Dynamics, and Negotiations to refine softer skills, enhance knowledge on management theory and improve strategic thinking. In addition, I want to use this one-year period for personal development. I particularly love the small class size of the program so I can connect with my classmates on a personal level, and build a diverse network for myself, stanford gsb essay examples.

My long-term aspirations are to start my own platform for impact investing. I believe I can use the network, take advantage of the career development resources, and the ideal location stanford gsb essay examples Stanford in the Silicon Valley to explore opportunities in impact investing which barely exist in Asia so that I can be better prepared to venture out on my own one day. Therefore, I believe, Stanford offers plenty of avenues for both personal and professional development which perfectly fulfills my desires from a Business school and I strongly believe that the Stanford MSx program can help me achieve my short-term career goals and long-term aspirations.

Growing up in china during the era of the economic boom of s imbibed in the penchant to look for the silver lining during tough times and seize the opportunity. Inin a surprise move, the CEO of my firm announced her resignation.

I believe chaos opens up the window of opportunity and it is during the most uncertain times when you can really make an impact. I talked with my boss and together we laid out the game plan and pitched that to the headquarters.

For the next 24 months, I stepped up in leading the execution of all transactions and also recruiting 3 stanford gsb essay examples members into the team. By early we had closed 11 new investments and grew team size from 2 to 6. My family comes from a small town in Nellore, India and my parent only had 2 daughters. I am the eldest of two daughters and today, even I have twin girls of my own, stanford gsb essay examples.

Having only a girl child is considered a curse. I first became conscious of discrimination toward stanford gsb essay examples when I was 8 years old. Although my parents never expressed regrets about not having sons, I was mentally affected. Unconsciously, it became very important to me to prove that daughters can go on to become as accomplished as sons in academics, careers, financial independence, self-reliance and in supporting parents after they grow up.

This made me the ambitious, career-driven working mother and the stanford gsb essay examples, loving daughter that I am today. My parents were happy to see me become financially independent when I started working at Mu Sigma right after graduation. Instanford gsb essay examples, an incident jolted me and advanced me towards feminism.

The brutal Delhi gang-rape shook me profoundly. As I searched for answers on what causes these incidents, I discovered feminism. Active participation in feminist forums made me recognize the big and small manifestations of gender discrimination and the inter-connectivity between them all, stanford gsb essay examples.

Change begins with self. I realized that when I refuse to give up my own rights, I am contributing towards bridging the gender gap. Equality begins at home. Confronting family on tradition is not easy. But transforming the views of older and current generations is the only way to fast-track change, stanford gsb essay examples. I started speaking up about discrimination at home and brought awareness to my family.

Stanford gsb essay examples used my personal blog link to increase awareness about gender issues. I started a Facebook community linkwhich lists 8 crucial points for the empowerment of Indian women.

It has active members today. I worked to bridge the gender gap at work too. I head the data science department, a function in which gender ratio is very-skewed.

I was a speaker at the Women in Data Science conference in Mumbai which supports stanford gsb essay examples participation of women in this field. I was the only woman in the department when I joined back from maternity leave in and since then I consciously recruited more women, including a candidate who was starting work after a maternity break.

It is a good start, while there is still a stanford gsb essay examples to be covered. Many women discontinue their careers during or after maternity due to lack of a good support system at the workplace or at home.

My organization previously did not allow employees to work from home. In a particular instance, a pregnant employee who had health issues and was not allowed to work from home by her functional head, stanford gsb essay examples, even though no security concerns were involved. I discussed with her and other employees and raised this with our CEO, highlighting the need for flexible work from the home policy during maternity.

Our CEO acceded that we will make exceptions to allow employees to work from home during pregnancy. I believe, Stanford can help give my voice more power and carry my message across a larger stage. As a woman, mother and a daughter, stanford gsb essay examples, what matters most to me today are contributing to a world where my daughters are empowered and signifying that women are allowed to aspire for anything through my individual feminism.

Stanford MBA Essay 2: Tell us about a time within the last stanford gsb essay examples years when your background influenced your participation at work or school. When I was on maternity leave instanford gsb essay examples, my husband had to put in very long hours at the office. Stanford gsb essay examples India, employers are more understanding of the need for a break for a new mother but are judgmental when fathers want to participate in childcare.

I found it difficult to cope with the new changes in my life and manage twins with minimized participation from my husband due to his work constraints. My personal experiences after having my twins was a key motivator for me to push this cause and create a positive impact on my team at work as well.

Example 1 :. Quality of education in India is very poor, and orphans are typically enrolled in schools later than other children. When I was in college, I collaborated with one of my seniors to take inspiration from Teach for India, and replicate India for orphanages in Warangal.

I visited each orphanage once a week. The experience of the welcome we received from the children is indescribable. They were all less than 10 years old, of the primary school-going age, were eager to seek attention and approval, and were eager to prove that they stanford gsb essay examples learn well.

We used to break into small groups and explain basic algebra or English grammar to them with individual attention, depending on where each of them stands. It has been an eye-opening experience for me. As an advocate of gender equality, I also encourage domestic help to invest in the education of their girl children.

I offered interest-free loans and have counselled their daughters on education and career options. Example 2 :. During the last 4 years, I have been advising my younger sister on her fashion start-up Young Trendz.

Application Workshop: “What Matters Most to You and Why” - Exploring the (In)famous GSB Essay Prompt

, time: 58:30

Definition Essay: Gsb essays

stanford gsb essay examples

25/4/ · If you would like to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully, you are welcome to share up to three examples. Up to 1, gsb essays, characters, or approximately words, gsb essays, for each example. Tell us about a time within the last gsb essays years when your background influenced your participation at work or school. We know that each person is more than a We are the Stanford Gsb Why Stanford Essay top leading cheap essay writing service. Our rates starts from just $2 per page and quality is always guaranteed. Struggling to write your paper? Just text us and we will handle the rest 23/4/ · Actual HBS and Stanford GSB essays, submitted by past candidates who were ultimately admitted, along with expert commentary on the strengths (and sometimes weaknesses!) of each one; Ten “pairs” of essays for HBS and the GSB, showing how the same candidate approached the two schools’ differing essay prompts

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