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Undergraduate essay

Undergraduate essay

undergraduate essay

20/4/ · Undergraduate rebecca02_essays - Mar 29, / — - First time I wrote an essay - Questbridge: An experience that caused you to change your perspective. 2 - It is not a "poor me" essay. Rather, it is a self-analysis that shows the reviewer how far you Discuss why assignment essays are common assessment tasks in undergraduate tertiary coursework, and evaluate the effectiveness of assignments as an avenue for learning. (Word limit words – 10% leeway) Please note that the APA referencing style is used in this sample essay 17/4/ · This series is our quick guide to essay writing and it provides very practical advice. If you would like to read a more comprehensive guide that focuses more on the overall method of planning and organising your research before writing your essay, please visit our Undergraduate Resources page. Consider the Whole Essay First. An essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, the body and a conclusion

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Hire a Writer Get an undergraduate essay writer start working on your paper. Check Samples Review our samples before placing an order. Academic Library Learn how to draft academic papers, undergraduate essay. Here is a sample that showcases why we are one of the world's leading academic writing firms.

This assignment was created by one of our expert academic writers and demonstrated the highest undergraduate essay quality. Place your order today to achieve academic greatness. Different organisations have different cultures. The belief that organisations might possess specific cultures is scattered based on business policies and strategies adopted.

Undergraduate essay has been identified that a firm's market orientation is dependent on the culture build within an organisation as it integrates into the marketing strategies of the organisation to generate value for the consumers and the organisation that affects the performance of their business. The basic aim of this essay is thus three-fold. First, evaluate market orientation concerning a firm's organisational culture and its effect on the business's performance; Second, relating these points with customer-led business characteristics and the involved processes to maintain and create a competitive advantage for the firm.

The third aim is to identify the impact of organisational culture on business performances and buyer behaviour. This essay puts forward an integrative perception of organisational culture as a beneficial metaphor to study market orientation. The organisational culture is based on shared beliefs, values, and assumptions regarding how individuals should interact and behave and how work activities and decision-making should be carried out CMI, It has also been measured that organisational culture is an assumption that is always taken for granted and an individual's behaviour that makes sense in an organisational context.

It greatly contributes to the reactions and behaviour of a group undergraduate essay individuals concerning the problems they face. Organisational culture is therefore found to have a significant impact on organisational strategy development. Though, it has been seen that undergraduate essay powerful cultures are one of the most significant strategic possessions as it serves as the core of all the implementation and creation of strategies Elsmore, Every organisation has its own particular culture and personality as individuals living in a society.

Organisational culture has been of great importance, undergraduate essay, but it is invisible in a group of individuals working together. Still, it acts as an influential force that impacts the group members' behaviors Eric, Organisational culture is also known as corporate culture, undergraduate essay, and it is comprised of numerous elements; the flow of power and information throughout the hierarchy.

It has been observed that an organization's culture has a great effect on the performance and productivity of an organisation. Successful businesses are those which can stay customer-focused undergraduate essay whatever they do. Such businesses are named 3D businesses as they are "Demonstrably and Dramatically Different" from their respective rivals.

In contrast, these businesses meet the expectations of consumers and try to exceed them and thus create loyal customers Hanselman, To create a customer-led business, a company should be customer-oriented, and their integral focus undergraduate essay be increasing the customer base through internal communications, undergraduate essay, discussions, and team meetings.

To withstand consumer focus, companies need to make sure that employee and consumer feedback is steady along with the alignment of brand value according to employers and consumers' needs. The significance of strong consumer-oriented behaviors and values along with continuing feedback will offer a framework according to which employers can evaluate performance, hire staff, propose career development strategies as well as compensate consumer-oriented behaviour; thus, it will assist in creating a customer-led organisational culture that will deliver concerning customers vision.

Eventually, the impact of applying this approach and shifting from consumer strategy to consumer culture can be estimated by the increased number of reliable customers, balanced records, the progress of the business, and profitability. However, to maintain a customer-led organisation, the following steps should be considered: Customer Champions, To create a customer-focused organisation, the services, quality, and competent skills should be based on customers to create a competitive advantage MacDonald, Many organisational culture theories undergraduate essay models are present, which greatly influence the business's performance and consumer buying behaviour.

As it can be seen that CCT Consumer Culture Theory has been identified as an interdisciplinary research field that is oriented to develop an enhanced understanding of what and why the consumers do and why consumer culture transforms in the form it does, undergraduate essay. However, theorists have emphasized more comprehend the relationship between several economic, institutional, symbolic, and social relations while evaluating their impacts on consumers, society, market place, and other institutions Arnould and Thompson, Moreover, it has been observed that the majority of the consumer behavioural aspects are found to be culture-bound.

It has been seen that the Hofstede model of culture analyses cultural associations with personality, self as well as and attitude, which form the ground of consuming behaviour undergraduate essay, advertising as well as branding strategies.

Hofstede's model is usually applied to elaborate these variances Mooij, Harrison presented a model of culture in organisational culture is mainly distributed into four respective categories; task, power, role, and individuals culture, which affects the business performance on the whole and helps an organisation to achieve its main aim. Orders completed by our expert writers are. Undergraduate essay has been indicated that higher business performance can be achieved by emphasizing more on employee participation and information.

This way, undergraduate essay organisational culture becomes economically significant, undergraduate essay. Moreover, to achieve a successful management process in any organisation, supportive culture is essentially required. As cultural changes take time to happen and undergraduate essay be achieved on short notice, to sustain and establish an effective organisational culture, the fastening business process on the entire hierarchical levels should be frequently pursued.

Furthermore, it has also been evident that to drive a forward strategic orientation, management and structural conditions are found to contribute to superior business performance Moormann and Grau, Corporate culture is one of the top drivers to improve the value of a firm.

Customer-led organisational culture will increase performance, productivity, undergraduate essay, and greater customer experience Price, Organisations should be aware of the effects that corporate culture has on customer experience or their buying behaviour. Undergraduate essay, companies should emphasize the below-mentioned points to create a workplace that will consistently deliver a positive experience, and in return, the company will get positive buyer behaviours, undergraduate essay.

Below stated are some means by which organisational culture can influence buyer behaviour and experience. The internal factors of an organisation that influences buyer's decisions are their certain aims and objectives that need to be accepted by the systems and producer in terms of buying and a suitable organisational structure. These factors are found to directly or indirectly influence buying decisions. However, undergraduate essay, the aims of a firm affect the required product types of the firm and the particular criteria through which it analyses purchases.

Moreover, informal organisational relations to various positions within a buyer organisation might influence decisions of buying. Generally, centralized organisational structures are used in family-owned companies where the family's consent is needed for purchase decisions, undergraduate essay, which is one reason behind delaying buying decisions.

Furthermore, policies similar to inventory procedures and holding such as bidding or payment is also identified to influence organizational buyers' buying decisions Solomon et al. The obvious conclusion is that an organisational culture effectively establishes the required and essential behaviours to invoke a greater number of buyers, which ultimately increases the sustainability of business performance and profitability. Furthermore, the elaboration of a consumer-focused business's characteristics has reflected on undergraduate essay core concept of a consumer-led organisation that the main emphasis should be on consumer needs instead of the products.

It has identified undergraduate essay consumers come forward to fulfill their needs and not purchase a product. Moreover, the processes involved in maintaining and creating a customer-focused business reveal that to become a completely consumer-led organisation, certain changes in the policies and processes can be made, affecting the consumer and their employees. It is a long as well as a complex process to transform into a consumer-centric organisation but is effective to achieve superior business performance and increase revenues.

Therefore, organisations that wish to modify their cultures should focus on consumer needs for constant improvement in organisations' undergraduate essay profitability and sustainability. Arnould, E. and Thompson, C. Consumer culture theory CCT : Twenty years of research. Journal of consumer research31 4pp. Undergraduate essay Organisational Culture. pdf Retrieved on 10th of January Colquitt, J. and Gellatly, I.

Organisational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. McGraw-Hill Irwin, undergraduate essay.

Customer Champions, undergraduate essay. De Mooij, M. Cross-cultural research in international marketing: clearing up some of the confusion.

International Marketing Review32 6pp. Elsmore, P. Organisational Culture: Organisational Change? What is Organisational Culture?

html Retrieved on 10th of January characteristics of customer-focused businesses. Centric Strategy For Your Business. Moormann, J. and Grau, C. Impact of Undergraduate essay Culture on Business Process Performance: An Investigation in the Financial Services Industry, undergraduate essay.

Solomon, M. and Polegato, Undergraduate essay. Consumer behaviour: Buying, having, and being Vol. London: Pearson. Sample Undergraduate International Marketing Strategy Essay Home Custom Essay Writing Undergraduate essay Sample Undergraduate International Marketing Strategy Essay, undergraduate essay.

A Quick Guide to Order of Adjectives with Examples April 22, Sample Undergraduate Business Assignment Writing April 26, undergraduate essay, Published by Robert Bruce undergraduate essay April 26, undergraduate essay, Revised on April 26, Effect of Market Orientation on buyers and business Introduction Different organisations have different cultures.

Discussion Organisational Culture The organisational culture is based on shared beliefs, values, and assumptions regarding how individuals should interact and behave and how work activities and decision-making should be carried out CMI, Characteristics of creating a customer-led business Successful businesses are those which can stay customer-focused in whatever they do.

Characteristics to establish a customer-oriented business are stated below: Response Speed: They are very quick to respond to the customer by any means, undergraduate essay. Easy: They create easy means of purchasing both offline and online Spontaneous planning and exceeding expectations Empower staff: They empower their employees to act smartly and take the initiative to exceed the expectations of the customers.

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undergraduate essay

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